Open Source - MIT License

    The fastest way to build your SaaS

    Concentrate on crafting your product, not on setting up redundant pieces - We've got the latter covered.

    Your Secret Weapon for Rapid and Reliable Product Launches

    SaaS kit with Batteries Included

    Everything you need, right out of the box. Minimal setup, maximum productivity.

    Extensible Auth

    Sign in with Email/Password
    Social Login with Google (Extensible to all the provider)
    Authenticated Routes
    You own the data


    Stripe checkout and billing
    Webhooks for events
    Configurable Stripe Portal
    Configurable Plans


    Transactional Emails
    Beautifully Crafted Templates
    Customizable Provider
    Simple DNS Setup


    Extensible Schema
    Mongo Database
    Prisma ORM
    Setup scripts


    Embedded Meta and OG tags
    RSS and Sitemap generated automatically
    Contains static pages
    SEO friendly URLs


    shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS
    Responsive layout
    Supports dark and light mode
    Landing Page

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Made with ❤️ by Keyur and Shyam

    Follow us on Twitter and Discord